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Increasingly intense storms in the United States might have an unexpected origin: Asian air pollution.
The Antalya Report Forum Objectives This Forum was convened to discuss and share lessons learned
In February 2015 a USAID-funded Expert Forum was assembled in Antalya, Turkey to address
Disasters occur when natural extremes encounter communities who are ill-prepared to cope with these forces.
In Sendai, Japan, “Lessons Learned about Lessons Learning about DRR in a Changing Climate” is
The troubled forecast of El Niño’s onset in 2014 requires an explanation as well as
The Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Expert Forum 2015 was held in Antalya, Turkey the 10th
Fires. Floods. Storms. Hurricanes. Volcanoes! The Federal Emergency Management Agency has declared more than 3,000
We finally released the full version of the report of “Working with a Changing Climate,